Today was the first dae of OFFICIAL TIMETABLE. although still quite slack.. had like 1 lecture.. then tutorialss and practs. and there was CAAL.. some nj thingy.. haha. quite funny. oh and today, we found out that we haf detention tmr.. haha. i think our class is like the first class to have detention. some more almost whole class la. HOW COOL IS THAT? hahahaha
went orchard to jalan jalan todae.. ponned softball trng.. feel so guilty. means i probably not joining softball le cos tmr trng i haf badminton too.. haha.. so i think badminton it shall beee.
tmr is another late day.. sch start late.. supposed to end at 2 la.. but we haf 2 hours of detention.. wonder what crazy stuff we gonna do..
oh and im totally running low on cash la.. everyday go out.. my wallet sucked dry le.. OH OH who wanna go CARLOS SANTANA concert??? on the 18th of Feb. i wanna go.. hope i still haf enough money to buy tix..
haha.. i guess its about time i updated my blog.. the holidaes were so hectic that i couldnt be bothered to update le.. so many things goin on.
throughout the whole holidae i spent no more than four nights at home in a row la..
anyway.. many things happened since my last post, went for Asian Pacific Lasallian Youth Congress, church camp, class chalet oh and i went to china!! quite fun.. so many things to see and things there are DAMN cheap.. absolut vodka costs like 10 sing? compared to 50+ here.. omg la..SO felt like buying...
oh then there was the opening of school.. the first three days were kind of a drag cos mostly talks but this week was reallly funn. and 08S02 ROX! haha.. we had station games, adventure quests, war games, and there was even a disco-like party on the last day. totally didn't expect it la.. there were disco laser lights and fog machines.. crazy one..
but.. orientation ended.. sian.. and lectures start tmr.. but luckily still quite slack compared to schools like Rj.. ahha... i have like 2 lectures for the whole monday and like about one on tuesday.. so cool..
ANYWAY, i need sleep.. im tired. i'll try to update my blog more often =D