Today was a really weird day at school..haha.. h.chinese lesson was so screwed up ting xie..and like no one studied..i din even bring my book...haha...everyone was chionging and trying to study juz b4 the lesson..and it was the first was so the end i din get to study coz all my stingy classmates needed to study too...hmph..but haha..karl lee was so cool man..he describe how to write la..and i DIDNT FAIL!!! ahahahah so funny...
full geog rocked too.. mrs chan din come so we kinda had a free period..haha..but got hw to do la..altho like no one arnd me did it and that stupid lao pa keep taking my hw to copy...ass..but the coolest periods were after recess..
rme was in the lt.. so means sleep..but i try to be nice lor..stay up and watch...stupid lao pa..the moment the lights went off he was already sleeping la...then the stupid teacher..kb one la.. after like damn long and i got damn bored i tried to sleep...but the moment i closed my eyes she friggin ask me to watch la...wthh..stupid lao pa slping rite beside me she nv do anything de la... kaozzz..muz be his reflectiveness reflected the little light there was and blinded her....haha
chem was the ultimate..we all pretended to slp and mr wong actually came into the class and gave us nap time...HAHAHA.. so funny....he so totally rox teacher would let us do that la...haha..we tried it again on the next lesson and the teacher ( cannot mention name) said" What's going on??" was so funny...
See?? thats us slping..haha
and thats mr wong LETTING us sleep...LOL
today was a really interesting ended as normal but the after school activities were the highlight la..i had to go paint the no. on the rifles using acrylic paint..and it was like so friggin dumb la..when the teacher passed us the brush, we asked for the whole bag...but he just HAD to take out everything, pass it to us one by one and THEN give us an empty bag..i was like diao...abit the extra rite..then came the painting.. the stupid paint took so friggin long to dry and it was like chao hard to paint took so long until even the teacher oso sian..say next time then paint...hahaha
then i was supposed to be on my way home..suddenly i was stalked!haha by vinoth(however u spell it)..he kept bugging me to go support the rugby match...being such a nice guy i agreed and went to support the match...
When i first reached the stadium i chua tio u noe? it was like omg la the pioneer secondary school sent 4 bus loads of pple to cheer!! it was like even the whole teachers board was present la..and the first bunch of sji people i saw made up like less than a class was so funny...AND THEN.. the pioneer sec pple even brought a banner..u noe the kind they put at the community centre?haha it was like they were here for an election or smth!! HAHA
but as the game commenced more and more sji pple streamed in and i realised there were like another whole group of pple on the second level..the flags that came out of nowhere were a bit lame la..and the pioneer pple were training sia..they were running around the track with the was really hilarious..then when eugene came..things went richard ernest and eugene go siao la..we went to the top floor and started screaming like crazy asses..hahah even the pioneer pple stopped cheering and were staring at us..the funniest part is when wang shouted to naz after he was subbed teachers leh!!but the funny thing was that the sji pple were like owning the cheering la..the pioneer teacher dam sad..he was like the onli person cheering.. and he was using a loudhailer..haha..this was one DAMNN interesting rugby match la..hahahaha
Sorry took so long to post the next entry... had a hard time trying to change the skin for the new blogger..FINALLY got it done!! if any admin or wdv pple are reading this..the new blogger skin thingy sux ass!! are the long-awaited photos..haha..most of them were like really sick and wrong...i mean it IS aaron... so i can onli post one..haha
Its just his face...but its still kinda sick...haha i am damn scared some shit like this will happen to me too....
oh my gawdddd..
this is a new blog!!if u din noe...was bored and created it out of rashness..haha. ill try to update as often as possible
it was so fun..but not as fun as when we were in school on thursday..haha he got a really interesting birthday present from pple strechted over 4 classes..ahaha
it was the last day of school. the moment the bell rang everyone grabbed him and pple frm other classes started to stream in and we did "stuff" to him..muahahaha..u should have seen the look on his face.hahaha and the moment RICHARD ran in he started screaming...i guess i noe y after witnessing it...
ill post pictures of his plight soon XD